Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Home Remedy To Cure Heartburn

Heartburn is commonly a kind of pain and burning sensation in the chest and stomach, behind breastbone. It usually causes while the hydrochloric acid, that is basically used to digest the food items, releases up the esophagus. This way the acid irritates all the sensitive tissues in throat and the esophagus. Commonly, the esophageal sphincter muscle comes around thus blocking the stomach acid from shooting into esophagus. If this muscle does not work in a proper way, the acid can slip past and can result in the symptom of heartburn. This kind of disease is also known as the Gastroesophageal reflux disease, the dyspepsia, acid indigestion or chronic heartburn. The common symptoms of this disease are: gas, bloating, nausea, sour or acidic taste in the mouth and throat and shortness of the breath. If not treated on time, the repeated heartburn can lead to scar and can create changes in cells lining which can result in cancer in the later life.

Most of the people who deal with this kind of problem, use antacids to get relief. But it is not the right method. So, if you are suffering from this problem, think twice before in taking the antacids. As the antacids decrease the nutrient absorption and also upset the kidneys. But the good news is that the herbal remedies can help a lot to cure the heartburn. Besides, these remedies do not have any side effect. So, anyone can use it without thinking a lot. Here, in this blog, we have discussed about these home remedies for heartburn. Read along:
  • While realizing the first sign of heartburn, drink a glass of water
  • Drink Aloe Vera juice in order to cure the intestinal tract
  • The papaya chewable tablets are also very useful in reducing the heartburn.
  • As per the doctors, the licorice is helpful to cure heartburn and esophagus and stomach ulcers
  • Drinking chamomile tea after the meals can heal the esophageal irritation
  • While having the symptoms of heartburn, drink a glass of raw potato juice without peeling.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Home Remedies To Cure Allergy

Now a days, the allergy is known as a very common problem and it does not affect a person so much more than resulting them to stay away from certain substances. There are a very small number of people, who can define the word allergy actually. In common terms, the allergy is a type of abnormal reaction through the immune system of any individual against that which is considered normally to be a harmless substance.

 For those people who have common allergies, can get the symptoms of annoying and continuous post nasal drip to the sneezing and coughing-itchy-eyed attack of allergy. For the other sufferers of allergy, like allergy with bee stings and and asthma with allergies, the attacks can be very fatal.
If the situation is life threatening, one must consult with the doctor. Besides, there are some effective home remedies which can alleviate the rate of sneezing and sniffling. In this article we would help our readers by offering them some effective home remedies to cure the symptoms of allergies.

  • Use the saline solution- Irrigate your nose with the saline solution. It helps to sooth the allergies in upper respiratory duct by removing the irritants which get lodged in the nose and therefore result in inflammation. The saline water is also helpful to wash away the inflammatory cells. But if you have asthma, consult with your physician before applying this home remedy. 

  • Beware of air- Breathing in the polluted air can make the situation worsen. The airborne toxins can result in severe allergy. If you are facing this type of problem, Try not to go out in the smoggy weather. If you have to go out, use a mask to prevent the toxins. Tobacco smoke is another irritant which can result in severe respiratory allergies. To keep yourself away from the eye allergies in the pollen days, use a sun glass always while going out.

  • Stream the face- Breathing the stream can soothe the irritated sinuses as well as can help in getting rid of the nasal passages of the mucus. Breath stream regularly to get a better result. After breathing the stream, use the lukewarm water to relax your sinuses. 
  • Wash your pet- There are many pet owners who are allergic to fur. So, get rid of this kind of allergy, bathe your pet regularly, no need to use any kind of soap. Washing the pet in warm water can rinse away the problem. To get away from the allergic reaction, try to wash your hands properly after bathing your pet.

  • Drink the peppermint tea- Drinking hot tea has always offered relief to those who suffer from the irritated mucus membranes and clogged nose problem due to allergy. The peppermint tea can offer the best possible cure to this problem. Beyond its delicious smell, the essential oil of peppermint works as the decongestant and the substances of this herb contains mild and anti-inflammatory antibacterial constituents.

  • Dehumidify- The dust mites are prone to increase in a huge amount in the humid environment. Use that air conditioner or the dehumidifier which works very well. A good dehumidifier is also helpful in preventing the mold from growing. Apart from that, while showering or cooking, use the exhaust fan to maintain the humidity balance.

  • Go bare- Carpets are the proper birthplace for the dust mites. So, stay away from any allergic reaction from the carpets, bare the floors, damp-mopped and vacuum it on a regular basis. If you are not able to remove all the carpets of your home, at least remove the carpet of your bedroom to get rid of allergies.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Home Remedy For Body Odor

Body odor is a general term used to describe the fowl smells of someone's body. Perspiration is known as the cooling process of the body. Perspiration doesn't cause body odor, but when germs get accumulated in the body, then it produces fowl smell.

Popular reasons of getting body odor are:
  • Any chronic or prolonged disease
  • Any food or beverages
  • Anxiety
  • usage of drugs
  • Constipation
  • Over secretion of body hormones

There are many costly remedies of reducing sweats and body odors. But there are also some cost effective home remedies, which can help you to get rid of the bad odor easily and quickly. Home remedy tips to decrease the sweat and body odor are mentioned below:
  • Keep your body clean: The body odor strength of a person depends on how much his/her apocrine glands secrete and also on the number of bacteria on his/her skin. People who have a strong body odor, often have 2-3 kinds of bacterias in their body. One of the best way to get rid of body odor is to wash away sweats and bacteria. Always clean the groin and armpit area with soaps and water once in a day or more. A deodorant soap is more preferable than ordinary soaps.
  • Try home made deodorant: You can try a home made deodorant to hide the fowl smell. Wash your armpits with white vinegars or wines. You can also use backing soda to the armpits to minimize the body odor. The mix of radish juice and glycerine is also another effective home made deodorant
  • Use antiperspirant: In case of more smell, you can use antiperspirant to reduce the sweat amount. Antiperspirants are a kind of over the counter drug which reduces the production of eccrine sweat, and keeps the body drier. It results in the decrease of the bacteria's fertility ground.
  • Wash the clothes regularly: Apocrine sweats can damage the fiber of your dress material and can produce a bad odor. So, to get rid of that, wear washed and clean clothes, underwear and socks. If you sweat a lot, avoid using other materials except cotton or linen. This materials facilitate airflow and absorbs sweat.
  • Check your diet: If you sweat a lot, then you must have to take a look on the foods you are intaking . Foods like hot peepers increase the level of sweating. There are some other food and drinks such as the onions, garlic, several spices and alcohol, whose fowl aroma are carried in the sweat and therefore produce bad odors. Try to drink a cup of sage tea on a regular basis. It minimizes the sweat secretion.

Last but not the least, anxiety, or anger,or over excitement releases our body hormones and results in huge sweat. Later it results in body odor. Try to control these habits.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Home Remedies To Cure Eye Infection

Eyes are the most sensitive organ of one's body and there are several elements in the environment which can affect the eyes. People who uses contact lenses are prone to get this kind of infection. Most effective causes to get eye infection are viral and bacterial infections. In some cases, foreign objects like grime and dust can also enter into the eye and can cause infection.

Some of the most common infections in the eyes: The most common infections include conjunctivitis, stye, blepharitis, orbital cellulitis, keratitis and dacryocutus.

Symptoms of eye infections:

The common symptoms of eye infections are:
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Irritation and pain in the eyes
  • Green, yellow discharge
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Photo phobia
  • Constant itching and swelling
There are several home remedies around us, which can cure the eye infections. These home remedies include:
  • Hot compress/ hot tea bag- These are very effective method for people who are affected with stye. Use hot compresses with the help of cloths dipped in hot water. Another thing you can do is soak a tea bag in the warm water, then place the bag on the stye for few minutes. The tanic acid of the tea bag will help to shrink the stye. Eye bag is also very effective if you have burning sensation in your eyes.
  • Mixture of turmeric powder and water- To get cured of eye infections, you can mix a tablespoon of turmeric in two cups of water and make an eye drop. Use it three times everyday to get rid of the swelling eyes.
  • Use acacia leaves- Boil some acacia leaves in two cups of water for 5 minutes. Use the solution to compress on your eyelids and in the swelling parts.
  • Use eyebright herb- Use one tablespoon of dried eyebright herb and steep it in some amount of boiled water. Keep it for cooling. Later use this solution as a eyewash.
  • Use alovera juice- Alovera has the power to reduce sensation and pain. Soak alovera juice in a piece of cotton or cloth and place it on the swelling part of your eyes. You can also use alovera juice as a eyewash to get rid of the pain, swelling or burning sensation.

Apart from these, you can also use guava leaves, coriander seeds boiled in one cup of water, warm compress by lavender, chamomile or rose oil, or cold bread. All of these are effective solutions to cure eye infection.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Nausea

Nausea is not any kind of illness, it is basically a symptom of illness. When we get ill every time, we feel nauseated. It is the general reaction of our body when something gets wrong in the body. The common causes of nausea can be: morning sickness, stress, motion and sea sickness, overeating, indigestion, food intolerance, drugs and alcohols, illness or disease.

The common symptoms of nausea:

There are some common symptoms of nausea, which are mentioned below:

  • Stomach pain and vomiting- People get affected with nausea, often feel severe pain in the stomach and sometimes the urge to vomit.
  • Dizziness- It is basically a feelings of lightheadness and wooziness. People, who are affected with nausea, sometimes feel very weak to get up on their toes.
  • Sweaty- People start to produce more sweat when they get affected with nausea.

    Nausea is not a pleasant experience to suffer. So, stop suffering and do something to get rid of this symptom. Whether it is severe or mild nausea, there are a lot of home remedies available which will help you to keep working and moving all the day.

  • Non-carbonated syrup- It is one of the best home remedies to get rid of nausea. This syrup contains carbohydrate, which helps to calm down the stomach problems. Intake one or two tablespoons of this syrup and feel the difference.
  • Ginger root and ginger- Ginger root is another effective home remedy to cure nausea. Take two ginger root capsules daily to get instant relief from nausea. You can also add some ginger in your tea to get instant relief from the dizziness caused by nausea.
  • Cider vinegar- Cider vinegar is very useful to control the nausea or the morning sickness of the pregnant women. Mix one tablespoon of cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey to a glass of water and intake it daily before going to bed.
  • Wheatgerm- Wheatgerm is very effective to control the symptoms of morning sickness or nausea. Mix few teaspoons of wheatgerm with milk and drink it regularly to decrease the effects of nausea.
  • Rice water- Boil ½ cup of rice in 1 cup of water and then drain the water and drink it. This rice water is very effective to cure the symptoms of nausea.

Other home remedies:

Other home remedies to cure the effects of nausea are: other herbs like slippery elm, various herbal candies, red raspberry or mild tea. All these things work very effectively to diminish the effect of nausea.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Home Remedies To Ring Worm

Ringworm or Tinea is a fungal contagious infection which generally affect the scalp, body, nails and the feet of a person. The infection caused by ringworm is spread through touches and contacts.

Symptoms of ringworm:
The patches of ringworm are oval or round, with scaly and pink colored rings with a clean space in the center of the ring. The infection of ringworm is spread through the nails to the other parts of the body while itching the infection. It not treated for long time, the infection will turn into a chronic disease which is tough to be cured. Ringworm can also results in baldness by spreading in the hair roots and along the hair of the infected person.

Home remedies to cure ring worm infection:

  • Use of papaya- Papaya is very effective home remedy to cure ringworm. The slices of papaya need to be rubbed on the patches. It would help to heal the infection. Another best home remedy medicine to cure ringworm is to use the dried papaya seed paste. 
  • Use of Butea seeds- Seeds of Butea is another good home remedy for curing ringworm infections. The seeds need to be mixed with lime juice and therefore the paste should be applied to the affected skin.

  • Use of mustard seeds- Mustard seed are very useful to cure ringworm. One should apply the paste over the patches after washing the skin with warm water. 
  • Use of turmeric- Turmeric is one of the best medicines to cure ringworm. The juice of turmeric should be applied directly over the affected skin. Beside that, one can intake a teaspoon full of turmeric juice with honey regularly to diminish the effect of ringworm. 
  • Use of cassia leaves- Cassia leaves help to reduce the skin irritation, pains and alleviating swellings. Use a paste or juice of the leaves and apply it directly to the patches to cure ringworm.

Other home remedies for curing ring worm are: holy basil, tea tree oil and lavender oil. You can use these products and the ringworm infection can be get cured easily. If any complication arises, don't forget to visit your doctor.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Home Remedies To Treat Toothache

There are several home remedies around us, which can cure the diseases and work as wonders. But many of us, don't know about the home remedies and their effectiveness and there are many people who know about these home remedies, but don’t rely on them. They believe only in the cosmetic treatments and surgeries to relieve the pain. But it is not the last option. If you are still having pain even after using ibuprofen, codeine, leave, aspirin or any other medicines like that, then you must try once the home remedies and can check out the difference.

The home remedies to cure tooth ache are mentioned below:
Hydrogen per oxide:
It is a well known home remedy for toothache. By using hydrogen per oxide daily, you can get rid of the dental problems permanently as well as can save a lot of money which you spend on your dentists in every six months to get good oral health. If you are having severe toothache, then you can dab a piece of cotton in the diluted Hydrogen per oxide and can hold it in the hurting place. To get a regular oral care, mix Hydrogen per oxide with sodium bi carbonate and brush your teeth. It would kill the germs and will provide you a fresh and stain free teeth.

Clove of garlic:
It is another good home remedy to get rid of the toothache. Place a garlic clove with a pinch of rock salt on the affected tooth area. It would reduce the pain. Chewing a garlic clove daily is also helpful to get rid of the pain.

Piece of potato:
Cut a piece of potato, and place it on the sore teeth to get an instant relief.

Clove oil:
Dab a piece of cotton in the clove oil and place the cotton on the affected teeth for 10 minutes and see the difference.

According to the latest research, it is proved that onions are very useful to relieve toothaches. Chewing onions for three minutes helps to kill all the oral germs as well as it can control and prevent toothaches. Put a slice of onion in the affected teeth and you can get rid of the pain within a few moments.

Another popular home remedies to treat toothache include: usage of wheat grass, lime, bay berry, and asafoetida. This remedies are also safe to use as they have no side effects.