Saturday, November 20, 2010

home remedies for cough

Grapes are one of the most successful home remedies for the treatment of a cough. A cup of grape juice mixed with a teaspoon of honey is recommended for coughrelief. One of the best home remedies for cough.The use of raw onion is precious in a cough.One teaspoon of the juice must then be mixed with oneteaspoon of honey and reserved for four or five hours-it will make an admirable cough syrup and should be taken two times daily. Onions are also helpful in removing phelgm. A medium-sized onion must be crushed, the juice of one lemon added to it, andthen one cup of boiling water poured on it. A teaspoon of honey can be added in it for taste. This medicine should be taken two or three times a day. One of the  effective home remedies for cough.The root of the turmeric plant is valuable in a dry cough.The root must be roasted and powdered. This powder should be taken in three-gram doses two times daily, in the morning and evening.In the case of a severe cough, the patient should fast on orange juice and water till the severity is decreased. The process is to take the juice of an orange diluted in a cup of warm water, every two hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Aniseed is another effective remedy for a hard dry cough with difficult expectoration. It breaks up the mucus. A tea made from this spice should be taken regularly for treating this condition.Not only taken this also the patient should avoid meats, sugar, tea, coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods. He should also avoid soft drinks, candies, ice-cream, and all products made from sugar and while flour.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Home remedies for Acidity

Drink coconut water daily to fight acidity. Add sugar in cold water, and consume it regularly so that the level of acidity comes down immediately. The mixture of barley with honey can be taken for acidity twice daily for relief. Taking radish with or without carrots and tomatoes eliminates acidity.Taking radish with black pepper sprinkled on it at meal time improves digestion and eliminates acidity.Prop your bed up and elevate the pillow to prevent the dripping for half an hour for relief of acidity.Chew one or two cloves after meals to get relief from acidity.Take half teaspoonful of Amla powder well mixed in two teaspoonful of pure honey thrice a day for a sure and sustained relief of acidity.To get rid of acidity;drink a glass of milk to which a pinch of soda bicarb has been added.Chew basil (Tulsi) leaves to get relief from burning and acidity.Every hour keep a small piece of jaggery in the mouth and slowly suck it. Acidity subsides.Eat raw garlic for effective cure for acidity.Consume mint juice daily to relief from acidity.In a glass of water put one teaspoon of cumin seeds and drink it with meals.To reduce acidity, eat fruits like watermelon, banana and cucumber.Consume white vinegar one or two teaspoonful with meals, it is good home remedy to control the acidity.Eat bitter gourd frequently to get rid of acidity.Don't get annoyed if you get acidity, read all these home remedies given above and consume it accordingly you will get rid permanently from acidity.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Home Remedies of Common Cold

It's use in all type of cold with fever.Take One lemon should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoon of honey should be added to it. This should be taken once or twice daily.Five drops of garlic oil mixed with a teaspoon of onion juice, and diluted in a cup of water, should be drunk two to three times a day. It's very effective in the treatment of common cold.Take ten grams of ginger should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water and added half tea spoon of sugar,It should be drunk when it's  hot.It's an effective remedy for colds and for fevers resulting from cold,may be taken twice daily.Lady's fingers are highly valuable in treating irritation of the throat and a persistent dry cough,100 gm of lady's fingers should be cut into pieces, and boiled down in half a litre of water to make a decoction. The steam issuing from this decoction may also be inhaled once or twice a day to relieve throat irritation and a dry cough.Inhale turmeric fumes, for this tie some turmeric in a clean cloth and light it. Boil some water and allow it to cool, now add ¼ teaspoon table salt to it. Put 2 to 3 drops of this solution in your both the nostrils before meals and going to bed.Dilute 50 mg tamarind in 200 ml of water. Boil the diluted tamarind water for a few minutes with a teaspoon of hot clarified butter and half a teaspoon of black pepper powder. This steaming hot rasam has a flushing effect, and should be taken three times a day. As one takes it, the nose and eyes water and the nasal blockage is cleared.Turmeric is used for colds and throat irritations.Half a teaspoon of fresh turmeric powder mixed in 30 ml of warm milk, and taken once or twice daily, is a useful prescription for these conditions. Turmeric powder should be put into a hot ladle. Milk should then be poured in it and boiled over a slow fire. This mixture should then be drunk by the patient. In case of a running cold, smoke from the burning turmeric should be inhaled. It will increase the discharge from the nose and provide quick relief.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Home Remedies of Allergies

Half a lime may be squeezed in a glass of lukewarm water and sweetened with a teaspoon of honey. It can be taken once daily first thing in the morning for several months. This remedy not only flushes the system of toxins but also acts as an antitoxic and antiallergic agent.One or two bananas a day are useful for those who are allergic to certain foods and who consequently suffer from skin rashes, digestive disorders, or asthma, The fruit does, however, cause allergic reactions in certain sensitive persons and they should avoid it. A quantity of 500 ml carrot juice or a combination of carrot juice with beet and cucumber juices, has been found beneficial in the treatment of allergies. In the case of mixed juices, 100 ml each of beet and cucumber juices should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre of mixed juice. This should be taken once daily.